Local Liquidators is a team of automotive equipment liquidators, auctioneers, marketing experts and other industry professionals all working together to design custom automotive liquidations for our clients in the Wichita area. Our services include auction & sale design, management, marketing and the liquidation & sales of automotive equipment in all categories. We offer full service and self service options as well as everything in between. As a client of Local Liquidators in Wichita KS, you can be as hands on or hands off as you like. We are here to help YOU in any way we can.
Local Liquidators lists all our automotive liquidations in the Wichita area on the LocalAuctions.com family of sites to effectively market and sell your construction assets to the right buyers. This allows us to realize a better recovery value for our clients. If you are interested in exploring how Local Liquidators can help you or your organization with your automotive equipment liquidation needs in and around the Wichita area, contact us today to learn more!
We Liquidate Automotive Equipment Throughout Wichita:
Entire Mechanic Shops
Local Liquidators in Wichita KS can sell entire auto mechanic shops in your own local automotive liquidation sales.
Body Shop Equipment
We can sell any type of body shop equipment in Wichita including dent pullers, saws, welders, painting equipment and more.
Oil & Lube Equipment
Local Liquidators can sell your oil & lube equipment in a custom designed local liquidation sale anywhere in the Wichita area.
Tire Shop Equipment
We can help you sell your tire changing equipment in Wichita including your tire inventory and even your used tires that are still good.
Paint Booths & Sprayers
Paint booths and spray systems can be hard to sell. Let Local Liquidators in Wichita help you find a buyer and get it removed.
Motorcycle Equipment
Local Liquidators can sell any type of motorcycle equipment, tooling, parts and even the bikes themselves throughout the Wichita area.
Marine Repair Equipment
We can find specialized buyers in Wichita and nationwide for your marine repair equipment, boat lifts, fiberglass equipment and more.
Automotive Lifts
From two and four post lifts, above ground or in ground, we can help you sell one or dozens of auto lifts anywhere in and around Wichita.
Specialty Automotive Tools & Equipment
Let Local Liquidators sell your specialty automotive tools in the Wichita area in your own local liquidation sale.
Tools & Tool Boxes
We can sell tool boxes large and small from any manufacturer and in any condition anywhere in the Wichita area.
Inventory, Parts, Supplies
Every automotive shop in the Wichita area has parts and supplies, and that value adds up quickly. Let us help you recover that value fast.
And Much More
There is nothing we can't help you sell in Wichita. From a few automotive items to an entire mechanic shop, contact Local Liquidators for a free consultation.
Find Out How We Can Help You Sell Your Automotive Assets
Why Choose Us for Your Automotive Equipment Liquidation?
Fastest Turn Around Times in the Industry
Our team of automotive equipment liquidation experts can liquidate entire facilities in and around Wichita in as little as one week from start to finish!
Custom Designed Liquidation Sales
Every automotive liquidation sale we do in the Wichita area is designed around our client's needs, goals, budget and time frame.
Custom Marketing for Every Sale
Every sale is different, that is why you need a custom marketing plan for your automotive equipment sales in Wichita.
We Handle All the Labor & Heavy Lifting
We offer full service automotive liquidation management in Wichita including photos, listings, collections & removal.
Sell Single Items
Full Service Liquidation Sales
Become an Independent Seller
Wichita Area Automotive Liquidation Services
Local Liquidators is a full service automotive equipment liquidator in Wichita KS specializing in local onsite liquidation sales in markets all across the state. We conduct auctions, liquidation sales & buyouts for clients ranging from Fortune 500 Companies and large corporations to small businesses and private individuals. We manage 15 different local liquidation marketplaces in the Wichita area to help you sell assets in all categories and value levels. Whether you are looking to sell an entire mechanic shop or a single piece of automotive equipment near the Wichita area, Local Liquidators has a solution to fit your needs.
Local Liquidators provides automotive liquidation services in Wichita, Derby, Newton, Andover, El Dorado, Arkansas City, Winfield, Haysville, Augusta, Park City, Bel Aire, Wellington, Valley Center, Mulvane, Maize, Goddard and the surrounding areas.
If you have automotive equipment in the Wichita area you are needing to sell, give Local Liquidators a call today. No matter what you need sold, we have the perfect liquidation site to list your items. Local Liquidators can help you sell your items in Wichita on our 15 local liquidation sites.
View All of Our Current Liquidations on LocalAuctions.com
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Contact Local Liquidators in Wichita -
For All Your Automotive Liquidation Needs
We Are Always Here To Help
If you have any questions about how Local Liquidators in Wichita KS can help you sell your automotive assets, give us a call and we will come out and give you a free consultation and evaluation.
Local Liquidators Wichita
We Serve all of Wichita and the Surrounding Areas.